Home> Tenant Control Panel> User Setup and 

click on User Company Role Mapping add button as shown below:


When you create a new user, the system will assign the Default User Role automatically to that user.

Now click on the User in the list to edit/modify his/her role.

As shown above, You can set any one of the companies as Default Company to the specific user, when you have multiple companies.

So What is Default Company?

When a user logging in to the application, he/she will be automatically navigated to Company’s Landing Page (Instead of asking which Company you won't work with at this moment), When a user is assigned/Mapped to work with more than one company. If only one company is available, then the system will assign that as Default Company.

Next, Assign one or more role to the specific user to each Company, so that a user can play a multiple roles in each Company.

Click on the Edit Icon in the list (Refer above screenshot). A Popup will be shown as shown below

Please note that the Default User Role is assigned already. So modify as shown below

Click the OK button and update.

Follow the above steps to assign/map multiple companies with multiple roles in every Company to a specific user.


One additional Option while creating new user, is IsSuperAdmin? As shown below.

The purpose of this option is to manage the Tenant Control Panel other than the Administrator (The first user).

By default this property is Disabled. If Enabled, the user will be granted permission to access to Tenant Control Panel Module (Where you can manage all your user accounts, subscriptions, etc..).

If Disabled, the user cannot grant permission to access to it, though you assign all the forms and permissions via Role Module Form Mapping.

Please find the video on how to Map a User with Companies and Roles

When you create a new user, the system will assign a default role and allows the user to work with the application. A default role is a role which maps all the available forms/screens available in the application except the Tenant Control Panel Module

How role permission and multi-role works?

You can map/assign more than one role to a user to one or more company to work with. Please find this video on how it works