OncloudERP Inventory module facilitates processes of maintaining the appropriate level of stock in a warehouse.


Item master is a file or record that is typically housed within your enterprise resource planning (ERP) system.

Item can be product or a service in your company. Item could of any products you sell as well the raw material to be purchased from vendor for production.

Item Master is an important factor in the implementation process of ERP.

Item Properties:

Item can be imported and manually added into item master under Store-->Setup-->Item.

With OncloudERP  it is now easy to filter the items listed using Summary.


                                                                                                                                                                     Using SUMMARY 

Item Name: Name of the item

Item Group: 

Let you categorize the item under various criteria’s such as products, raw materials, Consumables or general item group.

By selecting the + button will let you create a new item group or by navigating to Store-setup--Item Group

Base Unit of Measurement: 

This is the default measuring unit that you will use for your product. 

It could be in Box, nos, kgs, meters, etc.

You can store all the UOM’s that your product will require by navigating to Store-->setup-->Unit of measurement.

By selecting the + button will let you create a new Unit of Measurement

Unit Cost

Price of the item

Above fields are mandatory while other fields can be updated if required.

Also Accounting, Production and Stock information can be added to the item being added if any.

With OncloudERP you can add your company logo, Image (Extensions such as txt, pdf, xls, xlsx, gif, png, bmp, jpeg and jpg) and description if required.

SAVE the item once completed.