In OnCloudERP provides an extensive option to fetch the items into Item Master.
You can Import Items into Item master or
You can Manually create an Item or
The list of items is automatically fetched from Inventory Item list.
Import Items:
OnCloudERP provides you, data importing tool to import your item data within few seconds of time.
- Download the excel sheet or CSV and read the below instructions carefully.
- Upload the filled excel sheet carefully.
- Check your all uploaded Items in item master
Note: Before using OnCloudERP, you may maintain all your item data either in tailor-made software else in excel.
Add Item Manually:
Click on "Add New" in the item page which redirects you to new item form
Fields in the Item form,
General settings
Account Information
Production Information
Stock Information
General settings
Mandatory Fields [highlighted in RED] such as,
Unit of measurement,
Item group
Accounting Information
Accounting information in OnCloudERP includes
Inventory accounting group
Product accounting group
costing method
Costing method decides on how the stock should go out from the company.
- FIFO -------> First In First Out
- LIFO--------> Last In First Out
- Average ------> Default First In First Out
- Standard-------> default Last In First Out
Production Information
Forms such as
Bill of Material,
Stock policy,
Routing setup can be updated.
Stock Information
Detailed Unit of measurement for an item and stock level can be added.
Closing stock quantity and the Close value displayed based on the currency.
Update the required fields and “SAVE” the form.